Small But Mighty Bouquet (1 Red Rose)
Small But Mighty Bouquet (1 Red Rose)
Curated with care, this adorable bouquet of a dozen miniature red roses brings a great bundle of happiness. Each beautiful bouquet is embellished with charming foliage.
Foliage may vary depending on availability of flowers. Glass jar included.
Bouquets available:
$8, 1 rose
$10, 1 rose
$15, 3 roses
$25, 1/2 dozen
$40, 1 dozen
Care: Trim the stems every couple days. Change water daily. Use flower food, or a couple drops of bleach + a pinch of sugar to fresh water. Keep in indirect sunlight. Remove expired stems as needed. Enjoy!
Please call or text (310) 213-0099 to arrange for free pickup at The Artist Mill, 1138 Hermosa Avenue, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254.
In store pick up.
Refunds are available 14 days prior to the class date, after which we would be happy to offer store credit. No refunds or credit will be available after the class date has passed. If you have questions, please email